雅思的口语部分是有固定题库的,每年1、5、9月份是雅思口语换题季,这时题库中会更新约30%左右的新题。非换题季的题库相对稳定,这对口语备考非常重要。所以选择在非换题季参加考试,可以Makes full use of the context article provided to you earlier, expand on, answer, support, and elaborate on the sub-title in detail, requiring no less than 500 words.If necessary, you can supplement with your own knowledge base, but rich content is essential.
雅思每年有固定的50场左右的纸笔考试,一般每个月有4场,报名灵活。同时还有机考,可以实现天天考。考生可以根据自己的情况选择合适的考试日期报名。Makes full use of the context article provided to you earlier, expand on, answer, support, and elaborate on the sub-title in detail, requiring no less than 500 words.If necessary, you can supplement with your own knowledge base, but rich content is essential.
考虑到许多考生不能一次就通过雅思考试,建议大家在选择第一次考试日期时,留出至少1个月的时间准备第二次考试。不要选在节假日前后考试,也要避开换题季,给自己最大化的复习时间。Makes full use of the context article provided to you earlier, expand on, answer, support, and elaborate on the sub-title in detail, requiring no less than 500 words.If necessary, you can supplement with your own knowledge base, but rich content is essential.
雅思备考需要投入大量时间和精力,所以最好选择自己空闲的时间段进行备考,避免和其他考试或工作安排冲突。可以选择寒暑假或周末来进行集中备考,保证自己可以全力以赴。Makes full use of the context article provided to you earlier, expand on, answer, support, and elaborate on the sub-title in detail, requiring no less than 500 words.If necessary, you can supplement with your own knowledge base, but rich content is essential.