2019雅思大作文真题考情统计 - 8大题型及重复率分析

2023年12月18日 115点热度 0人点赞 0条评论



就业和教育类话题在2019年雅思大作文中重复率最高,其中4月25日的作文题目“Young people living in rural areas have to study or work in big cities away from their homes. What are the reasons? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”就是典型的就业相关话题。这类题目重点考查的是人才流动和城市化进程中出现的种种社会问题。建议结合当下社会热点,从人才外流、户籍制度、教育发展等多个角度进行论述,分析利弊得失。此外,类似“some people think reading newspaper is the best way, while others think a more effective way is through other media”这种媒体和传播相关的题目也较多,可以关注媒体传播方式和渠道的变化,例如报纸订阅率下降,新媒体占领市场份额等。


2019年雅思大作文中与环境保护相关的题目数量最多。如3月23日的题目“Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?”这类保护野生动物的题目是环境保护话题的代表。建议从环境保护的必要性、保护野生动物的意义等方面进行论述。还有其他些题目则更关注环境污染的解决,如“The environmental problems in the world cannot be solved by ordinary people because they can do little to change the situation. It is the responsibility of politicians.”这类题目则需要结合当下环保政策和措施进行分析。


科技发展类话题在2019年雅思大作文中重复率也较高。比如5月4日的作文题目“The increase use of technology in workplace. Some people find that it is good for young people's protects of gaining job and more harder for old people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”,这类题目需要考生从年龄、技术接受度、就业环境等多个层面展开论述。此外,还有一些关于新技术影响儿童成长的题目,如“New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”这需要分析电子游戏、短视频带来的负面影响。总的来说,这类技术发展话题较为抽象,需要结合具体例证进行支持。


